Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunday, August 2, 2009


hey all, welcome to yourTOI! yourTOI stands for True Office Issues. this little piece is a chance for all who are part of the working world to share yourTOI. as a young professional in my mid-20's i find it challenging sometimes when you come across some issues in the workplace that are somewhat bizaare and you don't know how to react sometimes. i hope to share some of myTOI's with you and i hope you share yours as well. the main premise is to create a place for all to rant or rave, provide advice to those who are seeking solutions when faced with their own TOI's but also for others to be forewarned of TOI's that they may come across in the future.

play on in the garden of TOI! myTOI is yourTOI

looking forward to reading yourTOI's!